155 research outputs found

    Dynamic-array kernels

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    Strengthened Lazy Heaps: Surpassing the Lower Bounds for Binary Heaps

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    Let nn denote the number of elements currently in a data structure. An in-place heap is stored in the first nn locations of an array, uses O(1)O(1) extra space, and supports the operations: minimum, insert, and extract-min. We introduce an in-place heap, for which minimum and insert take O(1)O(1) worst-case time, and extract-min takes O(lgn)O(\lg{} n) worst-case time and involves at most lgn+O(1)\lg{} n + O(1) element comparisons. The achieved bounds are optimal to within additive constant terms for the number of element comparisons. In particular, these bounds for both insert and extract-min -and the time bound for insert- surpass the corresponding lower bounds known for binary heaps, though our data structure is similar. In a binary heap, when viewed as a nearly complete binary tree, every node other than the root obeys the heap property, i.e. the element at a node is not smaller than that at its parent. To surpass the lower bound for extract-min, we reinforce a stronger property at the bottom levels of the heap that the element at any right child is not smaller than that at its left sibling. To surpass the lower bound for insert, we buffer insertions and allow O(lg2n)O(\lg^2{} n) nodes to violate heap order in relation to their parents

    Memory-Adjustable Navigation Piles with Applications to Sorting and Convex Hulls

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    We consider space-bounded computations on a random-access machine (RAM) where the input is given on a read-only random-access medium, the output is to be produced to a write-only sequential-access medium, and the available workspace allows random reads and writes but is of limited capacity. The length of the input is NN elements, the length of the output is limited by the computation, and the capacity of the workspace is O(S)O(S) bits for some predetermined parameter SS. We present a state-of-the-art priority queue---called an adjustable navigation pile---for this restricted RAM model. Under some reasonable assumptions, our priority queue supports minimum\mathit{minimum} and insert\mathit{insert} in O(1)O(1) worst-case time and extract\mathit{extract} in O(N/S+lgS)O(N/S + \lg{} S) worst-case time for any SlgNS \geq \lg{} N. We show how to use this data structure to sort NN elements and to compute the convex hull of NN points in the two-dimensional Euclidean space in O(N2/S+NlgS)O(N^2/S + N \lg{} S) worst-case time for any SlgNS \geq \lg{} N. Following a known lower bound for the space-time product of any branching program for finding unique elements, both our sorting and convex-hull algorithms are optimal. The adjustable navigation pile has turned out to be useful when designing other space-efficient algorithms, and we expect that it will find its way to yet other applications.Comment: 21 page

    Heap-construction programs

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    Priority queues and sorting for read-only data

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    Abstract. We revisit the random-access-machine model in which the input is given on a read-only random-access media, the output is to be produced to a write-only sequential-access media, and in addition there is a limited random-access workspace. The length of the input is N elements, the length of the output is limited by the computation itself, and the capacity of the workspace is O(S + w) bits, where S is a parameter specified by the user and w is the number of bits per machine word. We present a state-of-the-art priority queue-called an adjustable navigation pile-for this model. Under some reasonable assumptions, our priority queue supports minimum and insert in O(1) worst-case time and extract in O(N/S +lg S) worst-case time, where lg N ≤ S ≤ N/ lg N . We also show how to use this data structure to simplify the existing optimal O(N 2 /S + N lg S)-time sorting algorithm for this model

    Weak heaps and friends:recent developments

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    The Open Graph Archive: A Community-Driven Effort

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    In order to evaluate, compare, and tune graph algorithms, experiments on well designed benchmark sets have to be performed. Together with the goal of reproducibility of experimental results, this creates a demand for a public archive to gather and store graph instances. Such an archive would ideally allow annotation of instances or sets of graphs with additional information like graph properties and references to the respective experiments and results. Here we examine the requirements, and introduce a new community project with the aim of producing an easily accessible library of graphs. Through successful community involvement, it is expected that the archive will contain a representative selection of both real-world and generated graph instances, covering significant application areas as well as interesting classes of graphs.Comment: 10 page